Month: September 2016

Song of Hearts:Part Two

Imagine a situation where a mate tries to reason with the behavior of his mate rather than to dwell  on the traces of pain left behind by his or her scourging tongue. I can envision disagreement coming to an absolute null. This ability is not easy to learn  but it involves training the mind’s ocular faculties. A poor one is ready to see the harm but a strong one is searching out for the root of the sounds reaching it. That makes all the difference in our attitude or reactions to a mate. If we develop this ability of hearing a song of heart instead of taking the sound we perceive, we tend to know the next step  that will solve the contention instead of aggravate it. That is true wisdom.

Lets see some examples. Imagine a wife complains to a mate he is not there for her. He would quickly interprete this as him being irresponsible and that she doesn’t trust him to take care of her. No wonder he will become defensive if most of the time he is out there working to provide for her needs. This is poor judgement because he listened to the sounds coming from her and he finds it unpleasant. What if he listened to her song of heart? 

Then he will notice that she feels low emotionally at that moment and she needs him to reassure her of his love. A warm hug and reassuring words could nip the tumor and safe the marriage from impending danger.

Imagine a wife who nags her husband for bad behavior. The nag doesn’t solve but instead  it makes things worse. That could interprete to the woman that the man is no longer loving because he wouldn’t go out of his way to accept her own way of showing love to him ,i.e trying to make him desirable the way she likes it. This could lessen a womans respect for the man and result into more nagging and budding resentments. What if she listened to his song of heart instead? 

She would understand that her attempts to nag him were her way way of telling that he cant handle the situation so she would take it on by herself. Ofcourse, he wouldn’t make this easy for her so that the points he perceived from her wouldn’t be true. So he becomes arrogant. If she saw this, then she wouldn’t need to nag him because it points to his weakness and pokes him right in the face of his sore. Therefore she would rather be full of praises so that he extends his strengths to cover up his weakness. That insight alone could save a marriage heading for the docks.

 How invaluable it is to listen always to the song of heart of a mate. It is also is effective with all forms of bonds you have or relations wetherfriends, family or acquaintances. Perhaps, we would have created better lives, end wars and rivalry and put an end  to all strives on this earth if we learnt to listen to the song of heart rather than the sounds that comes to us.
Read Songs of Heart Part One from the previous article. 

Songs of Heart: Part One

A good song accompanied by a good sound is appealing isn’t it? But if the song comes with bad sounds, it doesn’t make the song any bad. It could be bad music but not a bad song. There is always a good song in the heart of all mankind. It will be wise to pay attention to what the song of heart is rather than if their presence appeals to the eyes or not. 

Before we find out what the song of heart is, let’s try to define first the sounds that could be accompanied by a song. The way a person behaves is perceived by our senses and instantly imprints an image on our minds. These impressions formed in our mind determine our attitude towards them. The question still remains if it is just right to judge a person by the signals (sounds) reaching us instead of the innate inscriptions (song) of his personality?

Lets look at someone who is proud and someone who is depressed. It will be fascinating to discover that they are influenced by the same intrinsic desire to be reached out to. Pride is a bad sound that makes us forcefully reject the behavior from other people. Depression is also a bad sound that is malodorous. If we tend to judge by these we will have lost the point of the song of heart, that is, to be reached out to. Do you now see the good  in paying attention to the song of heart instead of endeavouring to respond to the sound reaching us? The lack of such ability to listen to the song of heart is usually the only root of all contentions in a marriage.
Read Songs of Heart Part Two in the next article. 

A Man’s Woman: Part Two

A couple are suppose to be partners that thrive on teamwork. Each individual can give little but they sum up to have great power. There is more joy because each one feels important and each one feels needed. The atmosphere is healthy because no one’s one energy either spiritual, mental and physical is exhausted and yet, there is great fulfillment and satisfaction because their little but combined efforts brings result. You can expect such a couple have energy to balance every sphere of their lives. 

A man needs to give his value but his value is given if his woman can prove his acceptance. That is a Man’s woman, who can work with him that way whether he wants it or not, whether he knows it or not.

This same principle applies to the man who is independent of his woman and the one  who is interdependent. An independent man realizes there is a lot he alone can do and he sets about focusing deeply. This character makes one irascible and unfriendly. They lose the point and fail to direct their energies on what matters most. And because what matters most matters, it will even begin to affect the results of the things the man focuses on. He may succeed but the expense is a great cost. It will be helpful then that the man realizes the effectiveness of interdepence on his woman.

Nature is a perfect cycle that is self sustaining. This requires a great combination to achieve this result. It is the same thing with a man and his woman and the skill involved in interdependence is understanding the combinations to get the sustaining result. Like the ying and yang energies, there is need to be balanced in combining both sexes. 

A man needs to climb but his safety is only sure if his woman hold his ladder. A man needs to give his value but his value is given if his woman can prove his acceptance. A man needs to stand and he will be unshakable on his feet if his woman can assure him that she will catch him if he falls. A man need to feel powerful but he needs to find out where it is safe for him to be weak. If his woman can be that place for him to be weak; there is no reason for him to be weak against the world but will go forth subduing and conquering mightily. 

Love and sex are the best motivations to any man to achieve great  success. Love of all does not equal the love between a man and his woman. That is the kind of love that gives him wings to fly. It will be better for him to make the best of it. Sex with all does not equal sex between a man and his woman. This is the kind of sex that opens up the powers of two souls merging into one for the man to avail. It will be better for his woman to improve the relationship to empower him. If you see a man who is balanced in all aspects of his life, then he has got a woman. That’s the use of a woman to a man. 

While this may be difficult to achieve, it is very easy if the woman will agree to give up her self meanwhile to make him. Her reward will more than make up for that sacrifice of being the Man’s woman. 

Read A Man’s Woman Part One in the previous article. 

A Man’s Woman: Part One

Behind every successful man is a woman. This is not so in the absolute sense. But it is absolute in a sense. Can you imagine the man who has learnt to always succeed by being only self dependent? There are. And we can find some of them at the greatest heights achieveable in this world system. That makes the axiom kind of untrue. 

But there are men although, who history has recounted to have been able to achieve all their greatness through a woman’s support. It could then be said that these men learnt how to take their woman’s useful energy and blend it with theirs to get a perfect result. It is like ying and yang energies that could create absolute manifestations if well balanced. That is how the saying becomes absolutely true in a sense. It is the power I would any man have to achieve success in life.

Yes, independence is much better than dependence. That is what makes a man who sets out alone to achieve greatness by himself. But interdependence is way much effective than dependence. 

Interdependence is an ability or skill that brings out the absolute power of teamwork. Its impossible to pitch perfect teamwork against the genius of one mind and expect the latter to come out with the greater advantage, do you? Carefully imagine an organization that thrives on energy being expended by one mind? Soon enough, that method will become almost unaffordable when it begins to take a toll on his spiritual, mental, and emotional and physical members. That is the creation of a miserable worker. The same way you create the miserable husband.
Read A Man’s Woman Part Two in the next article. 

A Woman’s Man: Part Two

Just as someone needs to be strengthened himself before he can empower someone else, the woman needs to be loved unconditionally so that she could open up her love tanks for people to tap from. It takes a lot of courage to be herself and express her essence to the full, and the right man to constantly give her the assurance to be who she is designed to be is indeed the Woman’s man. Her energy can be locked inside waiting for the right man to channel it through for her. And immediately she begins to channel she becomes a wonderful force of good. 

Her beauty has no meaning unless she can see it reflected from the eyes of the man she loves. And that is one sure way of unlocking the immortal essence of a woman. Her beauty will not wane or die.

Her hands may always desire to reach out. To somewhere, to someone, to something. That desire is not enough though to make her act. Until she gains his firm hands on her shoulders. She will be energized to bear the pain of the world if her lover would dare hear the pain of her heart. Her empathy is limitless and untraceable like the ends of a river. This becomes her power to harness if the man is able to constantly appraise her worth and find her precious. She is not the princess if he would not flatter her. She is no queen if he would not bow to her feminine charm. His sweet words unravels her boundless energy. She doesn’t feel powerful unless he is standing with her. For a woman capable of everything, she has a man who is her everything.

But we must not to forget that the woman who has her man may be a lot of things  to her surroundindgs, her best quality she awards to the man. If the man can prove his love unconditionally, she will prove her loyalty forever. Instead of his direction or headship be a burden for her, they become a lighted path guiding her to her true essence. She becomes the shock absorber to all his uncongruities. She will delight to exaggerate his praises and cover over his sins. She will cling to him through his storms and show him the beautiful clouds in the sunshine. She will take his frowns and plant in its place a kiss that sprouts him bounds of joy. It doesn’t matter what the world says, its only the sound of his heartbeat that matters in crisis. If a true woman’s man learn to show love unconditionally to his woman, he will receive as rewards her fervent worship as her god.

Read A Woman’s Man: Part One in the previous article 

A Woman’s Man: Part One

​I got this wonderful illustration that identifies women as love tanks from a famous psychologist on the sexes. It is one of the most apposite terms to describe the beautiful and appealing quality of feminity. They find meaning in connecting with the souls of other people. They find essence in giving and sharing the beautiful things in their hearts. They have heightened senses of communication that is mostly refreshing to the soul. And if you have them at their best, they are like an epiphany without end. Truly, indeed, women are a magical work of art! But you don’t get to see their magic until you have done the appropriate rites.

How do I mean? Atleast, a love tank will run empty wouldn’t it? It could happen she has lost meaning and touch with her soul and heart, I mean the essence of her feminity. What if she no longer appreciates bonding communication with you? It happens! 

Women are like a power generator that needs it fuel. And indeed, it has got to be the right fuel to get the generator in best operation. That is how it’s got to be the right man to get the woman in her best. There is the right man that paints the woman in all her ethereal shades of feminity. There is the right man who is the woman’s live wire to heightened senses and appeal. That right man is the one man she would brave her fears and dare fate to be in love with.He is the only one able to unleash these wonderful abilities in the woman.  He is the Woman’s man. 

Read A Woman’s Man Part Two in the next article. 

Void Three: The man and His Void

The adventures of man to conceptualize his own dimension of Time is also an attempt to craft meaning and perfection for his inner world to respond pleasantly to. In a relative sense, it doesnt matter what type of paradigm we adapt since they will always have their own successes, fulfilment and voids. In fact, I doubt that a man can realise that kind of perfection in his short lifetime. I disbelieve he is capable of true happiness because of his little capacity to comprehend what it really means. I know he cant find universal truth because of the limitations to his understanding. He goes out to find meaning, but stops not at the point of finding it but at the point he discovers pleasure and he can only move on from there when he experiences pain. All the time ignoring the void that comes every now and then, ready to guide him to real meaning.

We are in search of happiness and we interpret this as lasting pleasure. Unfortunately, it is an illusion in our dimensions we understand as reality. Do not be swayed by many stories of the truly happy man, or couple or family, or society. They always leave out the pain and the voids, only the pleasures are told. Our definitions of happiness are illusions we create in our dimensions for reality. Only you can look to your inner world to truly guide you to it. What I mean is this; there is no happiness out there, in a place, with someone, at a time. It is as we create it inside our world. It is an art only us can paint. And we cant achieve this until we can reconcile with the Void inside.

Abandon knowledge that gives enlightenment but along the way brings up voids. They always do except you havent inquired deeply enough. Abandon religions that gives upliftment but along the way brings up voids. They always do except you havent looked deep enough. Abandon pleasures that gives you meaning but along the way brings up void.  They always do except you paid closer attention to your responses. Void is our inner world’s way of correcting paths that deviates from universal truth. They are responses illicited by the body, mind and soul, looking past pleasures and searching ever deeper for meaning. And yes, it does not lie.

Throughout our  lives, in every endeavour, we will  be face-to-face with our Voids. This is because this one lifetime, neither is this flawed man, enough to reach the journey to universal truth, true purpose and the real life. Space and Time is too short for this. The only thing that can only guide us on the path is the Void that we feel from time to time sending a message only if we would mind it. Every step in the right direction is enough to fire up our essence for life. So we keep moving, going past pleasures, exploring the pain and be guided by our Voids. 

We must embrace our feeling of emptiness to discover our depths. We must explore our darkness to discover the light. We must engage our fear to draw out the strength. So whenever a Void hits, we should not sink into it and wallow depressingly around it. It is an opportunity to discover and reset our compass towards the real life. Keep your eyes open and ears out for the voice in our inner world always directing us to the next void. Its where we find the next clue to keep us on track.

Read Void One: The Man and His World and Void Two: The Man and His Search in previous articles. 

Void Two: The Man and His Search

There are two kinds of people alive defined by their concept of Time. There are those who have their world revolve around them and there are others who revolve around their world. The third type are dead, whether in the grave or are still breathing. These are the people that are at a standstill with their world. To be alive, we have to continue molding our concept of time by interacting the man with the inner world. The outcome is usually the arrangement of occurences in our lives.

Some say it is good to strongly desire for things and exert universal forces to actualise their reality. That paradigm is a truth because man has the capability to influence his environment to acquire the things he has desired. He can bend substance to his will signifying that he would be firm and rather have the world revolve around him. The falsehood in this paradigm is that its successes always incite pleasant responses from his inner world. It will say to him, “Now that we are here why am I not fulfilled?”. Sometimes in the confusion of mixed feelings he will hear it say, ” Is this all there is to it.” Unequivocally, our inner world points to a hole could become clear in this inner voice, “Why do I feel empty?” This is the Void, the time in space where the man’s soul, body and mind begs for a deeper reason.

Some say it is good to understand the cosmic habit forces of the universe and tune our conceptualization of Time to it. These forces are unbending principles or laws of nature embedded in all forms whether living or not. Going against such principles will break the individual and have disastrous consequences. For example, if you go against the law of gravity you risk a fall. If you go against the law of giving you risk lack. If you go against the law of growth you risk death. There are endless others too that defines a man by his environment, character, business, relationships and so on. One living by this paradigm is clearly one taking the effort to revolve around the world. It is true this is a sure way to achieve and duplicate successes in every field but it leaves a hope that is insatiated; the understanding of self. Understanding all around begs for a greater need to understand self with this nagging questions emanating somewhere from the Void like “Who am I?”, “What am I designed for?” “How do I master self?” Unequivocally, our inner world points to that hole that becomes clear in this inner voice, “Why do I feel empty?”

Read Void One: The Man and his search in the previous article and Void Three: The Man and his search in the next article. 

Void One: The Man and His World

Man is the only mortal creation known so far that can conceptualize Time. And all his life is spent in search for a meaning to give this Time. The only one there to score his attempt at this is his inner world characterised by his body, mind and soul. It is like an athlete (man) on the tracks (Time) and people (his world) there to witness his race. It is a preacher (man) using words (Time) to reach an audience (his world). It is like a voice (man) singing a song (Time) to pleasure listeners (his world). For the athlete’s race, the preacher’s words, and the voice’s song, there is always a response. A man trying to make his own meaning out of Time get his response or feedback in the arrangement of the occurences in his life. That is his feedback. It tells him, “This is for your time”.

Man only knows this truth in his subconscious and is hardly aware of its implications. That is the distant voice in your head poking you, “what am I doing with my life?”. It is the pain that screams through your body asking “why me?” What it is really saying is inquiring into what you are crafting out of Time? Our quest for meaning or purpose originates from this little concept of the man using his Time to agree with his inner world. The aggregation of his feelings represented by his pain or pleasures, innocence or guilt, peace or tumoil, purpose or quandary, power or devastation is the feedback that reaches him from his inner world. That judgement is the definition of a man’s search for meaning or happiness. It is the story of a man’s definition and grasp of his Time. It is the search for Truth.

For this Truth man has spent treasures of thought in philosophy. For this truth he has expended great faith in spirituality. For this truth man has spent great fortune in pleasures. He has always known there is a truth but he believes it is out there, hence he spends so much in mind, body and soul looking for the answer. It is the right place to search because this is what makes up his inner world. But he asks everywhere else for amswers instead of himself. He asks religion to make meaning of Time for his soul. He asks knowledge and philosophies to make meaning of Time for his mind. He asks adventures and pleasures to make meaning of Time for his body. He asks everyone except himself, and yet it is himself that will give the response, “This is for your Time”.
Read Void Two: The Man and His Search in the next article